Home > Uncategorized > Religion and Science online study starts September 9

religion-and-science-front-cover-wmnIs it possible to be a Christian and take science seriously? Must we choose between God and science? This inspiring study offers a positive alternative: a way to live in today’s world as scientifically informed believers. Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, hosts this ground-breaking video-based series in which over a dozen leading scientists, theologians, and philosophers explore the contrasts and similarities between religion and science. This group of experts considers if and how religion and science might coexist and even complement one another in the 21st century. Some of the topics include what it means to be human, genetic science and the frontiers of ethics, evolution, and caring for our creation. Join us this fall on Wednesday nights at 7 pm on Zoom, starting September 9, for our exciting and informative exploration of the relationship between our Christian faith and scientific inquiry.

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